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Some Questions You May Have

Welcome to the Forestview Meadow Help Center. Below you will find a collection of some of the most frequently asked questions about our Farm. However, if you still have additional questions after consulting our list of FAQs, then please get in touch directly and we will happy to answer any additional questions.


I am scared of horses, can I still try a session?

This is actually one of my most asked questions and the answer is always YES!! Horses are large animals that can be intimidating but have a calming effect on us humans. We simply start off slow and give people the tools to recognize how to keep themselves safe. Some sessions do not involve the horses at all. A session could be sitting with a pig, taking a walk or forest bathing by the creek.


What is it that you do?

This is the next most popular question and it is so hard to sum up in just a few words. I have yet to have any person come with the same needs and goals, and I have yet to do the same thing twice in a session. It depends on what the person's goals are, whether it be getting over a fear of horses, getting that horse smell on your clothes again or providing a place of belonging and safety. 


Do you offer Riding Lessons?

The answer to this is yes, BUT what I teach is perhaps a little different than traditional riding lessons. I believe a strong foundation of horse knowledge, behavior and working from the ground is where to start. Participants will get to know the horses and their individual personalities, how to work with and care for the horse. A riding lesson at Forestview Meadow is person centered, and horse focused. The horses will be respected in what they are telling us and in turn can teach us so much about ourselves. Having a strong foundation is ultimately what will keep the horses and ourselves safe!

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